Saturday, March 29, 2008

I get the craziest ideas between the hours of 1am and 3am. Sometimes they are sheer brilliance. Sometimes they are absolutely ridiculous. This latest one might inspire an office to blog united.

A few agents in the office have expressed interest about blogging. And since I've been blogging steadily for about five years, I am a huge blog advocate. So I am more than happy to help promote blog-awareness in my immediate environment. It's such a great and easy way to get your thoughts and concerns out there. I doubt that people are anticipating your every word, but they will skim through and pick out what they want.

Thus it's not surprising that between 1-3am in the morning, I decided to set up a team blog for my coworkers. I bought and registered the domain name, I thought it would be appropriate since our office is located here. I forwarded it to WordPress which allows teamblogging without having to get a Gmail account (doh, Blogger, why did you make me stray from you!) I figured it would be easier if I didn't have to get everyone to sign up for both Gmail accounts and Blogger accounts.

I already have 5 people who are definitely interested. Then at the office meeting we'll see who else would like to join.

The thing about blogging (and most successful aspects of your life )that many people don't understand is consistency. You don't have to have the best product or the cheapest product or be perfect, you just have to be CONSISTENT. Being there for your clients day in and day out is consistency. Returning missed calls as quickly as possible is consistency. You can probably see where I'm going with all this. Basically, it takes a dedicated blogger who is willing to open up personally and post about work-relevant topics or at least about personal/interesting topics.

I think the new team blog will be great. The various points of views will keep the conversation lively. The fact that we're all real estate agents will keep the theme going.

Blogged with Flock

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